Zones STOP, OPT and GO (dry erase) – Poster
The Zones STOP, OPT and GO poster is a companion product to the self-regulation curriculum The Zones of Regulation®, by Leah Kuypers, and aligns with Lesson 17 in the book. Many students who struggle with self-regulation have difficulty with impulse control and figuring out alternative solutions to conflicts. These students can get stuck on one way to do something and have difficulty trying other people's ideas or alternatives. STOP, OPT and GO gives students an easy-to-remember phrase and visual to help them before they act on an impulse.
Teachers and parents can use the poster as an on-the-spot teaching tool to STOP and describe the situation, brainstorm possible OPTions and the possible outcomes of each, and help students GO by selecting the best possible solution. This concept helps students learn to think through options that aid in self-regulation and conflict resolution. The dry erase surface makes this poster usable again and again in the classroom, clinic, or home (use only dry erase markers).
Dimensions: 18" width x 24" length (457.20 mm x 609.60 mm)